Trail Running – with “Mindful strides”
Be part of the first camp with ultra runner, psychotherapist and mental trainer Eva-Maria Sperger and sports physiotherapist, trail running coach and certified mental trainer Florian Reiter and set new impulses in your mental training. The running camp offers the ideal opportunity to not only understand mental training in theory, but to put it directly into practice by integrating it into your running. This is your transformative journey – physically and mentally – amidst the inspiring backdrop of the Swiss Alps. The seminar fee is CHF 629 (excl. accommodation and meals). You can find more information about the Trail Running Camp here. Room reservations can only be made after successful registration.
- Overnight stay per person / 3 nights in the Eiger Lodge Chic for CHF 270
- Overnight stay per person / 3 nights in the Eiger Lodge Chic for single use for CHF 390
- In a mixed dormitory (6-person occupancy) in the Eiger Lodge Easy (shared shower/WC) for CHF 135 per person for 3 nights
- In a private room for four people in the Eiger Lodge Easy (shared shower/WC) for CHF 597 for 3 nights (for the whole room)